Welcome to

Legacy Christian Academy
High School


Extending the Legacy

Legacy Christian Academy’s culture of accelerated academics and Christian worldview expands to our Upper School. Legacy Christian High stands on its own with distinctives that are positioned to prepare our learners for the demands of the 21st Century. Over the next four years, we’ll add a grade each year - but more importantly, we’ll grow as a high-school family that is deeply committed to the development of the whole person and service to others.

Legacy Christian Academy

School Wide Scores at a Glance

2022-23 SAT-10 (9TH-10TH) SCORES

Ninth Grade838587
Tenth Grade938591
9 - 10th GRADE AVG888589

Cumulative SAT-10 National Percentile Ranking K-10 = 90th

Upper School Academics

Our trusted, academically accelerated curriculum thoughtfully embeds advanced life skill concepts and competencies to enhance individual achievement. This educational experience provides every graduate a unique advantage to confidently and effectively navigate a rapidly changing global landscape.

Biblical Worldview

Legacy offers a distinctly Christian culture where Jesus Christ is exalted, the Bible is viewed as truth, and Biblical instruction encourages students to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and live out Biblical character in their lives.


Practical Benefits of Biblical Worldview:

  • Students learn Biblical truth and values to develop Biblical convictions.
  • Legacy provides a variety of opportunities for students to serve.
  • Students develop a moral compass as they are encouraged in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
College Credit

Dual enrollment allows high school students to take accredited, college-level general education courses that meet high school graduation requirements while earning college credit.


Practical Benefits of College Credit:

  • Legacy High students transition to college with a head start.
  • Participating in college classes while in high school is cost saving for families.
  • Provides an opportunity for students to graduate high school with an A.A. degree.
Industry pathways

Students receive a personalized educational path based on their interest in exploring various industries by providing exposure, experience, and excitement before they even enter college.


Practical Benefits of industry pathways:

  • Cohorts provide exposure for students interested in various professions.
  • Partnership with local businesses creates a wide range of student internships.
  • Courses are offered that allow students to receive specialized certificates and award distinctions at graduation.

Academic Planning Students will be thoroughly prepared for future college and career plans.

Legacy students have the opportunity to earn university credits while completing high school graduation requirements. Through our partnership with select universities, Legacy teachers have been approved to teach college-level classes on our campus. Students will begin high school with an individualized plan focused on rigorous coursework, specialized classes, and career pathways. With the option to enroll in Honors, AP, and Dual Credit courses.

Student Life

From the moment our students walk onto our campus we want them to feel the overwhelming opportunity to get involved. Our high school students are encouraged to develop strong relationships with one another within a positive environment.

Fun and unique EXPERIENCES

A community that cultivates FRIENDSHIPS

Your student will graduate with cherished MEMORIES

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Spiritual Life

The purpose of the Legacy Christian High School spiritual life is to give students the opportunity to be formed more and more into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. Both programs and informal student-teacher relationships will be used to provide faith-producing opportunities through; Discipleship, Chapel, Class Retreats, Servanthood, and Mission Trips.

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More than a Scoreboard

Legacy is committed to developing student athletes who demonstrate strong character and compete at the highest level. Our coaches model Christ-like character and a determination to achieve excellence on and off the field. Our student athletes learn the value of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance.

Learn more about Legacy Athletics HERE

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Get Involved

From student led chapels, to clubs, pep rallies, dances, lunchtime activities and theme weeks in between, there are multiple ways to share your pride of being part of our family during your four years here at Legacy Christian High School:

  • Campus Activities
  • Homecoming Spirit Week
  • Homecoming Fall Fling
  • Intramurals
  • Student Clubs
  • Ski Day
  • Spring Overnight Trips
  • Legacy Uganda
  • Mission Trips
  • Campus Activities
  • Homecoming Spirit Week
  • Homecoming Fall Fling
  • Intramurals
  • Student Clubs
  • Ski Day
  • Spring Overnight Trips
  • Legacy Uganda
  • Mission Trips
  • Chapel
  • Class Retreats
  • Ski Day
  • Spring Overnight Trips
  • Legacy Uganda
  • Mission Trips
  • Chapel
  • Class Retreats
  • Chapel
  • Class Retreats
  • Ski Day
  • Spring Overnight Trips
  • Legacy Uganda
  • Mission Trips
  • Chapel
  • Class Retreats

First Day of School for Legacy Christian Academy High School

Today we welcomed the founding freshman of Legacy Christian Academy High School for their first day of school. As these students embark on their four year journey at Legacy High school they will have the opportunity to earn credits while completing high school graduation requirements. Students will begin high school with an individualized plan focused…

LCAHS Program to Offer Advanced Mathmatics Track

LCA High School Program to Offer Advanced Mathematics Track

Opening for the first time for ninth grade students this fall, Legacy’s high school is continuing the Academic tradition of accelerated academics with the campus math track. “Because Legacy’s mathematics program is so strong, a large proportion of our students are on an accelerated mathematics track” explains Sam Minyard, LCA’s academic dean for grades sixth…

LCAHS Now Enrolling

Legacy Christian Academy High School Now Enrolling

A dream, realized. That’s what Santa Clarita parents are experiencing with the news that Legacy Christian Academy will expand their offerings from Kinder through eighth grade to now include high school students in fall 2021. Moms and dads have been pleading for Legacy to continue into high school for many years – and that’s how…

Legacy High will be built on three key components

Legacy High School will be built on Three Key Components

A biblical worldview, industry pathways, and college credit are the three components that will lay the foundation for LCA High School. Legacy will offer a distinctly Christian culture where Jesus Christ is exalted, the Bible is viewed as truth, and Biblical instruction encourages students to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and live out…

Announcement of Legacy Christian Academy High School

Announcement of Legacy Christian Academy High School

The roots of Legacy Christian High School run deep, nourished by a tradition of academic excellence and a Christ-exalting community of learners, educators, parents and supporters. Legacy Christian High School isn’t just an extension of the celebrated award-winning Kinder-eighth Academy, though their culture of accelerated academics and Christian worldview expands to the Upper School, too.…

Lead the Way Scholarship

Legacy Christian Academy’s Lead the Way Scholarship is available to qualified incoming & current High School students who exemplify Legacy’s LEAD goals. Legacy students LEAD the way by being Lifelong Learners, Excellent Examples, Accelerated Achievers, and Dedicated Doers.

High School

How to Apply:

  1. Submit an Application - Download Application HERE
  2. Submit an Academic Artifact
  3. Complete & Submit Essay
    • Considered applicants must submit an essay on the following prompt, “How do the LEAD goals shape today’s leaders for tomorrow’s challenges?”
  4. Three Letters of Recommendation from the following:
    • Teacher
    • Community Member
    • Pastor

Completed applications and all questions can be sent to our admissions office scholarship@legacy-christian.com

Lifelong Learners



Excellent Examples



Accelerated Achievers


Legacy Alumni have been accepted to TOP UNIVERSITIES including Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, and Columbia

Dedicated Doers


Legacy students develop a passion to serve others with a Christ-like attitude--sensitive and knowledgeable about local, national, and global issues.